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Parkit explains Mobility46

Mobility46 is a Swedish SaaS company that has created an innovative digital platform to simplify parking management for property owners, real estate companies, property managers, parking operators and municipalities in Sweden. 

What is Mobility46?

The focus of the business is on designing the sustainable mobility systems of the future when it comes to parking management. By offering integrated electric car charging, car pools and digital solutions, Mobility46 ensures efficient use of parking spaces while promoting sustainable mobility solutions.

Parking management

With its own system Park46, all processes related to parking are digitalized. It offers customers, among other things:

  • increased revenue with flexible pricing, dynamic usage rights and integrated EV charging.
  • More efficient administration from contract management to support and invoicing.
  • More satisfied parking customers thanks to digital customer portal and a smartphone app, among other things
  • Data and statistics on parking assets and customer data

Digital queue list

With a digitalized waiting list, tenants can register their interest in vacant parking spaces on the association's website. The system then matches vacancies against expressions of interest, which means that empty spaces are automatically filled. Digital solutions also give the user full control over contracts and can easily make price calculations and changes to conditions for specific spaces or entire facilities.

Own branded smartphone app

Mobility46 offers a tailor-made app where customers' clients can manage everything related to their parking and more:

  • Activating and selecting registration numbers for digital parking permits
  • Open garage doors and doors
  • Start, stop and view history of EV charging
  • See messages
  • Get access to frequently asked questions via FAQ
  • Oversee and manage rental agreements, invoices and waiting areas

Digital keys

With digital keys, customers' customers can have easy and convenient access to the parking lot while simplifying administration.

Automated notification and payment

The notification of invoices, matching and reminders is fully automated and users can make personalized choices when it comes to different payment options such as invoice, direct debit, Kivra or Swish. 

Charge46 - EV charging and parking in the same system

Through the Charge46 platform, customers can offer their customers EV charging linked to their parking contract. All costs then appear on a single invoice. 

Charge46 is compatible with all chargers and connects via the industry standard OCPI, which means a profitable charging business. This can either be done in-house or through an operator.

Camera parking (ANPR)

With ANPR cameras detecting entering and exiting vehicles, it offers a smooth and automated parking experience for both the client and its customers. 

Digital parking permits

By offering digital parking permits, Mobility46's customers can manage all parking permits in one system. This applies to the entire process; from waiting places and contract signing to ongoing notifications and payments.

What are the alternatives to Mobility46?

There are many parking managers that offer similar services to Mobility46. Parkit and Smart Parkering are two other players in the market that offer everything from ANPR (camera parking) to digital parking permits and customer portals.

What to consider when choosing a parking provider

With a plethora of convenient, innovative and digital solutions for parking, it is wise to carefully weigh the companies against each other and choose the one that focuses on a comprehensive solution. Parkit differs from many other players in the market by having developed a comprehensive system for all aspects of parking management. This makes it possible for both users and staff to smoothly administer the parking while focusing on, among other things, innovative digital solutions, smooth parking experience and streamlined electric car charging.

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Parkit explains CTA