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En man i öppen skjorta står lutad mot en elbil. Han håller i en telefon. bredvid honom står en laddstolpe.
24 januari 2024

Guide: Allt du som ny elbilsägare behöver veta

Vi guidar dig som ny elbilsägare genom olika elbiltyper och laddningsmetoder, och delar med oss av praktiska råd och tips för att optimera din vardag med elbil.

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5 januari 2024

Free-flow-parkering – en game changer

Genom att investera i free-flow-parkering positionerar du dig inte bara för en effektiv parkeringshantering utan skapar även en modern och användarvänlig miljö för dina besökare.

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18 december 2023

Kundcase: Wåhlin Fastigheter

Parkit har skrivit ramavtal med Wåhlins Fastigheter för parkeringshanteringen för samtliga utav deras 52 fastigheter i Stockholm. Läs mer här.

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18 december 2023

Vanliga myter om parkeringsvakter

Vi ser dem dagligen på våra gator, patrullerande och till synes strykande kring våra parkerade bilar – parkeringsvakterna.

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23 November 2023

More efficient parking with a reliable parking partner

Whether you own a commercial property, a residential complex or land, you can benefit from working with a reliable parking company that offers a complete solution.

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27 October 2023

5 common myths about electric cars and plug-in vehicles

In this blog post, we clarify and dispel the five most common myths about electric cars and plug-in vehicles.

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13 October 2023

A historical overview of parking

Parking spaces are so integrated and taken for granted in our daily lives that we are unlikely to think about their origins or how they have evolved over time.

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September 28, 2023

A safe parking area for everyone in the building

In this blog post, we list some measures that you as a land and property owner can take to prevent crime and increase the safety of the parking area for both residents and guests.

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September 26, 2023

An accessible parking for all

In this blog post, we explore the importance of providing accessible parking options for people with disabilities, and how planning parking spaces for people with disabilities can improve the parking experience both for them and for other visitors.

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29 August 2023

Eco-friendly parking

In this blog post, we explore the benefits of green parking and share some insights on how parking facilities can contribute to a cleaner and greener future.

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